
Output filter plugin to rewrite tags that matches specified confitions

Project maintained by y-ken Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

= fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter

== Component

=== RewriteTagFilterOutput

Modify Tags with data matches any of specified regexp patterns in specified attribute.

== Configuration

<match td.apache.access>
  type rewrite_tag_filter
  rewriterule1 domain ^maps\.google\.com$ site.Google.Map
  rewriterule2 domain ^news.google\.com$ site.Google.News
  rewriterule3 agent (Googlebot|Crawler|Spyder) agent.Robot
  rewriterule4 referer headlines\.yahoo\.co\.jp referer.YahooHeadlines


== Copyright

Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2012- Kentaro Yoshida (yoshi_ken) License:: Apache License, Version 2.0